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Industry 5.0

Education+Technology+Culture & Tourism+Health+Industry+Commerce+Finance

Industry 5.0 – One Network

Education + Technology + Culture and tourism + Health + Industry + Business + Finance

“Creative internet”

Industry 5.0 is an Internet ecosystem integrating education, science and technology, culture and tourism, health, industry, commerce, finance and other industries. It integrates learning, exploration, creation, design, analysis, simulation, creation, manufacturing, sharing, selling, logistics and other activities into software, online and shared, to form a unified platform for the sustainable updating, upgrading and iteration of the means of production and labor skills.

Corporate Business
© 2022 Anhui Tatfook Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved
Add: 3rd Industry Area Of Shajing Industry Company. HaoXiang Road, Shajing Town, Bao’an District, Shenzhen City, China.
Tel: 86-0755-29816880
ICP NO.:20012734-1Anhui PNS NO.: 34030002020891