The company promises: Corporate social responsibility, environment and ethics policy statement in compliance with applicable laws and regulations and commitment to continuous improvement, signed by management and issued in local language at the factory.
Management accountability and responsibility: Appoint the management representative of the social responsibility management system, and the top management and management representative should ensure the implementation of the social responsibility management system and relevant schemes. The top management should review the status of the management system regularly.
Legal and customer requirements: Establish and implement procedures to identify, monitor and understand applicable laws and regulations, social responsibility standards and customer requirements.
Risk assessment and risk management: Establish and identify procedures for business-related legal compliance, environment, health and safety, labor practice and moral hazard. Determine the relative importance of each risk level, and implement appropriate procedures and control measures to control the identified risks and ensure compliance.
Improvement target: Develop written performance target, indicators and implementation plans, and check and review these target and plans status regularly, so as to improve the corporate social responsibility, environmental, health and safety performance.
Training and communication: Train the management and employees to implement the corporate policies, procedures and improvement target to meet the laws and regulations requirements. Establish communication policies to clearly and accurately communicate policies, practices, expectations and performance information to employees, suppliers and customers.
Employee feedback, participation and grievance: Establish and implement procedures, including a grievance mechanism, to evaluate the employees understanding of the corporate social responsibility policy, code of conduct and obtain feedback to promote continuous improvement. Provide a safe environment for employees to voice grievances and provide feedback without fear of retaliation.
Review and evaluation: Carry out self-assessment or internal audit regularly to ensure compliance with laws and regulations related to social responsibility, social responsibility standards and customer requirements.
Corrective action process: Corrective action procedures shall be implemented for violations or deficiencies found through internal and external audit, evaluation, inspection, investigation or review.
Documents and records: Create and maintain documents and records to ensure compliance with laws and regulations, and comply with the corporate requirements and relevant confidentiality provisions for privacy protection.
Supplier responsibilities: Establish relevant procedures to communicate social responsibility guidelines to suppliers and monitor their compliance.